We're back for our 12th season. Keep up to date with all the discoveries, brought to you by our daily bloggers.
Will Ma. (there are so many named Will!) and his group find a bone die:

Since this is now the fourth day of the dig and everyone has seemed to be putting in hard work, the benifts are really paying off! The weather has held out, also, and it has been a great pleasure to excavate this week.

The finds that have been excavated today have been the best yet, including a stem of a clay pipe which was embossed with the Cheshire crest, a bone die plus countless animal bones and pottery including a number of pieces from the Roman era. This shows that the site is coming on leaps and bounds, but there is still a lot to do! There is still a section of fill that needs taking out and the Roman road to uncover.  Also the hearth and drainage sections needs finishing off and with a good portion of the site been troweled, we can now begin to excavated the archaeology that the students from years before us on thier digs had not reached.  Many of us are looking forward to the weeks to come - let the fun begin!
Will trowels near the hearth structure.
