Day 17 Friday madness, ice lollies and the pub! Jess reports … Friday morning dawned bright and sunny yet again, and students buzzed around the site filled with the “Friday Madness”. It's Friday!! Team A spent the morning keeping cool in the shade of the Pavilion for their last finds session. This entailed bagging ‘small finds’ into individual bags and writing designated labels that separated them from the bulk finds. Once this was done, we continued to wash some finds, there’s something weirdly satisfying about cleaning animal teeth with a toothbrush! The afternoon was then spent back in the trench and Team A were set to take down the surface surrounding a pit with mattocks. Despite the heat of the sun, we powered through and removed bucket after bucket of the baked clay surface. With only one or two injuries, the banter stayed high and the Friday madness continued. Complex intercutting features under excavation... A highlight of the afternoon, however, was the...